Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

 Isabella Child Development Center Fund

ICDC 50 Year cake
ICDC Announces Endowment

For the past fifty years, the Isabella Child Development Center (ICDC) has been providing free preschool services for eligible three and four year old children. Since opening its doors in 1969, the school has served over 1,200 students. Their goal is to help their students become independent, self-confident, curious learners who can work well with others. They accomplish this with “high scope curriculum” that builds off the children’s interests to teach them math, reading, and cognitive skills, among others. According to the Michigan Department of Education, the ICDC is succeeding tremendously. After their most recent assessment, the Isabella Child Development Center was named a five star preschool.

              The vast majority of brain development occurs in a child’s first five years, which is why preschool is critical for life-long success. It helps children master school-based skills such as literacy and math, as well as improves social and emotional development. Preschool is especially beneficial for low income households where opportunities for development and socialization may be limited. Preschool has even been found to reduce high school drop-out and incarceration rates among low income learners.

              Along with the ICDC’s founding, a volunteer-run thrift shop was created in order to cover the school’s expenses. For decades the thrift shop was the ICDC’s only source of funding, and it still continues to operate to this day. Now, the Isabella Child Development Center Fund will provide additional financial support for years to come.