Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Four Local Nonprofit Leaders Chosen for Leadership Learning Lab

For the third year, several local nonprofit leaders have been selected by the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation to attend an eight month Leadership Learning Lab. Facilitated by NorthSky Nonprofit Network, the Leadership Learning Lab seeks to connect and empower nonprofit leaders and give them the skills to strengthen the organizations and communities they serve. Funded by the Frey Foundation and the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation, the Leadership Learning Lab aligns with the Foundation’s strategic efforts to support capacity building among local nonprofits.

The 2020 emerging leaders are Kim Friedrich, Mike LeValley, Lisa Phelps and Meg Schubert.

Kim Friedrich, Mike LeValley, Lisa Phelps and Meg Schubert with MPACF logo in middle

Kim Friedrich is attending on behalf of Habitat for Humanity of Isabella County, where she has served as Executive Director for two years. She is eager to fine tune her skills as a leader and expand her knowledge of non-profits. She looks forward to strengthening Habitat for Humanity’s relationships within the community by learning to become a more adaptive leader.

Mike LeValley is attending on behalf of the Chippewa Watershed Conservancy, where he has served as Executive Director for the past seven months. He believes the Leadership Learning Lab will directly address the challenges he faces as a new executive director. He is excited for the opportunity to interact and collaborate with other nonprofit leaders so that they might compare experiences and learn from each other.

Lisa Phelps is attending on behalf of the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum, where she has served as Executive Director for the past seven months. She is interested in the Leadership Learning Lab helping to find ways to sharpen her leadership skills and gain new insights and ideas about leadership.

Meg Schubert is attending on behalf of the Isabella County Child Advocacy Center, where she has served as Executive Director for the past five months. She hopes the Leadership Learning Lab will advance her strategic decision-making, critical analytical thinking and knowledge of organizational behavior. The resource of the lab will allow the ICCAC to continue to advance its mission, protecting and advocating for the children of our community.