Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Helping Horses Heal at HopeWell Ranch

Therapeutic riding dates all the way back to ancient Greece and continues into modern day in our local community. At HopeWell Ranch, many community members depend on horseback riding as a method of healing. HopeWell serves six counties in total, but most participants live here in Isabella County. The organization works with individuals with various physical and mental challenges: muscular skeletal issues, neurological disorders, brain injuries, memory problems, self-esteem issues, PTSD, traumatic backgrounds, anger issues, attachment problems, and learning disabilities. Many low income children and adults will be assisted in their healing process through bonding with horses, some of which have also experienced trauma.

New grain room at HopeWell ranch being stained

New grain room at HopeWell ranch being stained

Balancing the multitude of individuals needing resources, and providing excellent care to the horses can be challenging for staff. In the fast paced environment of HopeWell Ranch, it can be difficult to be well-organized and efficient while feeding the animals.

The Hersee Family Fund, Theunissen Family Fund, and Summit Petroleum Fund made it possible to build a new grain room at HopeWell Ranch. This room is in a central location for feed distribution and has improved the overall nutrition and living conditions of the horses used in therapy programs. HopeWell horses are the center of healing for the many individuals that attend sessions, which is why the condition of these animals is crucial. HopeWell Ranch was able to install a set of used kitchen cabinets in the interior of the grain room for much needed supply storage. Additionally, they stained the exterior of the room and installed an exit door.

The ultimate goal of this project is to provide a healthier environment for the horses that make a difference in the lives of so many community members. HopeWell Ranch was able to complete this project and improve the lives of their horses and the individuals they serve.