Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Trikes for Tykes at the Isabella Child Development Center

For the past fifty years, the Isabella Child Development Center has been providing free preschool services for eligible three and four year old children. Since opening its doors in 1969, the school has served over 1,200 students. After an assessment by the Michigan Department of Education, the ICDC was named a five star preschool. Because of their team of caring teachers and staff, the community’s endless support, and the treasured parental input, the Isabella Child Development Center has become an invaluable place for young learners.

Kids riding trikes at Isabella Child Development Center

Kids riding trikes at Isabella Child Development Center

Funds provided by the Women’s Initiative Fund and the Fisher Companies Community Impact Fund allowed the Isabella Child Development Center to purchase three additional tricycles, a wagon, and stepping stones for their students. Tricycles have been a long-time favorite for the children at the ICDC, and now students have more opportunities to utilize them. The tricycles encourage outdoor and active play as well as help the children develop their gross motor skills. They are gaining coordination and balance while learning to navigate around obstacles, which helps strengthen their cognitive skills. In addition, the very popular trikes are a great way for kids to learn important social skills, such as waiting for their turn. The children have even begun to practice helping others through play. When riders are “out of gas,” non-riders help fill them up with imaginary fuel.

Prior to the purchase, the ICDC had one tricycle for every three children. Now they have one for every two children. More tricycles mean more development through play, and according to the students, more fun too!