Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation

For good. For ever.

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Isabella County, now and for generations to come, by attracting and holding permanent endowed funds from a wide range of donors, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

Making Ends Meet with the Infant Pantry

Stack of donated diapers at the Infant Pantry

Stack of donated diapers at the Infant Pantry

Too many parents are in the position of having to choose between buying diapers or food for their children. Babies need both. Thankfully, the William Ellis Brockman Infant Pantry provides supplemental food, diapers, and care items to local parents trying to make ends meet.

 With help from the William Ellis Brockman Infant Assistance Fund, the Community Compassion Network was able to purchase and distribute much-needed items for local families. Over the course of four months, 631 babies were served through the Infant Pantry. Each child received diapers or training pants, diaper wipes, a personal care item, and formula or food, depending on age and need. Almost half of the families helped were led by single parents, and many reported diapers and care items as significant needs. The support was critical during the summer months, when need increases.

Volunteers assist in packing diapers for Isabella County families in need.

Volunteers assist in packing diapers for Isabella County families in need.

 Proper nutrition is critical in the first three years of life. Studies show that inadequate nutrition early in development often leads to permanent physical and cognitive impairments. It is the Infant Pantry’s primary goal to help keep Isabella County infants and toddlers healthy.